what we do
The ADOLESCENT + YOUNG ADULT COLLECTIVE is a consciously curated event bringing together professionals dedicated and passionate about working with adolescents and emerging young adults. This event will be two full days of educational offerings, entertainment, and networking. The breakout sessions will offer dynamic, engaging presenters working with effective and exciting treatments within this community. Each day will feature a carefully selected keynote speaker. Attendees have the opportunity to gain continuing education credits applicable to various licensing boards.
Our Motivation
The motivation behind this event is to create a united voice for adolescent and young adult treatment. The ADOLESCENT + YOUNG ADULT COLLECTIVE will enable us to tailor an experience that will benefit us professionally as well as our clients. A hosting collaboration of select like-minded leaders in our field will ensure the keeping of the culture, mission, and direction of our top-notch educational offerings.
Our Mission
The mission of the Adolescent + Young Adult Collective is to bring together leaders in the treatment community directly working with clients and their families. This includes: therapists, clinicians, educational consultants, educational attorneys, physicians, psychiatrists and treatment providers.